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Startup Day 970: Pilot Launch

We kicked off our New Haven pilot with a press release January 29th. That garnered a bit of media attention and interest from users across the country when Disability Scoop picked up the story. I'm trying to stay laser focused on the goals of this pilot:

1) determining the critical mass of users and businesses necessary for the marketplace to be of interest to these two sides of the marketplace

2) refining a scalable business model (in plain speak, figure out how we'll make money)

Even though I'm focused on New Haven, it's gratifying and validating to hear from users across the country that they want this resource in their town, too. The online marketplace is open to users everywhere to recommend businesses anywhere. While we're only doing accessibility reviews in New Haven right now, I'm dreaming up how to make our accessibility reviews scalable. That'll help us reach more geographies sooner.
