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Startup Day 399: Enterprise Pilot Launch

It's finally here -- the day that Empowered Together launches its first enterprise pilot with LOGAN

By the stats, it's been:

  • 399 days since I started a pilot with individual parents,
  • 195 days since I was introduced to LOGAN, and 
  • 25 days since LOGAN and Empowered Together formally agreed upon pilot terms.
I'm grateful to have an initial roadmap for enterprise partnerships. Now I have some learnings under my belt about the process, especially regarding timelines, key stakeholders, and roll-out procedures. Reach out if you're curious to learn more.
The other element I try to capture herein is the personal and emotional impact of startups on founders. This morning, my daughter gave me a high-five and said, "good job, Mom," when I reminded her today is Launch Day. She gave me a magenta Mardi Gras-like necklace for the day that I'm wearing. A colleague from my Veterans in Residence program messaged me encouragement as did a lifelong friend whom I've consulted on program design. It reminds me of the impact of small gestures at key moments. I endeavor to be THAT kind of person who knows launches are really big days in the lives of founders. 
My family toasted the pilot's success last night. Church friends have checked in throughout the last year. My husband steadfastly cares for our kids while I grind away. Another friend reminds me of the importance of being faithful to my calling of beginning Empowered Together (versus striving for some self-defined "success"). God regularly reminds me by these interactions that He has a purpose in the work placed before me. Founders need community like this. I didn't have it in my first startup and I'm seeing the difference. There's less of a focus on me being successful. There's more of a balance of including my family on the journey. I'm more vulnerable and honest about my struggles. I receive more support from advisors whom I feel comfortable sharing with and receiving feedback from. I wish I had all this 15 years ago and I'm immensely grateful for it today.
