called me paranoid but i'm not posting a big announcement on facebook that i'm off to india for two weeks with John (i.e.; home unattended) so i'll post it here, instead, among friends. :) we leave tomorrow morning. last night, a couple friends asked if i was already packed. i wonder, who are these people who pack two days in advance? i'm packed with almost 12 hours to spare and i call that an achievement, even if 8 of those 12 hours should be devoted to sleep. still, that's 4 whole hours i could be packing that i won't be. THAT is definitely an achievement (for me). i did a proust-style interview today (got a little distracted there as i read Proust's answers -- i wasn't so deep). when asked what interesting fact i recently learned, i answered, "the GORUCK didn't break my foot." keep in mind, we're trekking in india. a broken foot would majorly disrupt our carefully laid plans. and we don't need my foot disrupting plan...
disability advocate, caregiver, entrepreneur, contemplative