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Day 5: "Complaints"

Today was a day of complaining. It was all in good fun, of course, but brought to mind the time I "fasted" from complaining in India when it seemed there was much more about which to complain. Today, I made a list of all my boot-related complaints so I could relay them in an organized manner when I return for a second boot fitting. I also ensured Tim and Jess knew just how painfully difficult to maneuver my new skis are. But, all that aside, a beautiful day of skiing at Breck with the sun out, the wind low, a great new set of gear, with some of my fav people on the planet left nothing to truly complain about. We rounded out the day with happy hour at the Dam Brewery (flashbacks to Timmy @ Christy's circa 2006?) and bison burgers at Coleen's and Rod's. A wonderful day, indeed (no complaints there!).


Mo said…
Sarah, sounds like you are having an amazing time. I'm so glad you are getting this time.