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I’m taking a break from my Educational Philosophy paper to tell you about a few joys in my life recently.

Numero Uno: Pepsi’s Club Soda makes every sip of sparkling juice good to the last drop

#2: An entirely magnificent, exceeding-all-expectations package from some amazing ladies in CT AND a card from my dear CA pastor

Drei: Introducing myself in Hindi to a group of students AND recognizing my first word in Hindi (samaj = society)

Char: Thinking critically about educational philosophy in preparing my application for an Associate Professor position.

So now you know what I’m aiming for after India. August ’08, baby, on the North Shore! I’ve never been the kind of person to hide the fact that I’m going for my driver’s license, etc. I prefer to be an open book so you get to see the ups and the downs. This is life, after all, right? A very wise friend wrote, “All the masterpieces of art contain both light and shadow. A happy life is not one filled with only sunshine, but one which uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.” Ed knows that I’ve faced both the light and dark here and I deeply appreciated that affirmation. Ten months in the Himalayas sounds idyllic, right? There are many parts that DO transcend imagination, and yet . . . Hmm, how to capture some of this hard journey AND reflect the hope, meaning confident expectation, that I have . . . The path that I walk here defies so much of whom I have been to this point in my life. And the hope comes because I am painfully shedding layers I will be better without. I know my Maker has led me on this path so that I might SHiNE for Him. He doesn’t need my identity to be founded in achievement but in Him. He doesn’t need me to rebel at every request but to recognize the extension of His authority here on earth. If you want to know more about this, please call or write. I am blessed to be known and loved by One Who far exceeds all the joys I listed above. And with that, I think I’ll continue my paper on my educational philosophy.


Anonymous said…
Whether we name divine presence synchronicity, serendipity, or graced moment matters little. What matters is the reality that our hearts have been understood. Nothing is as real as a healthy dose of magic which restores our spirits. -Tom Jarrett
Anonymous said…
I say hey sky, s'other say I won say I pray to J I get
the same ol' same ol. - JF
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with Tom. That is so right on. Susie we LOVE!!!! your Blogg. Keep it up. - Frank B