Hunkering down and revisiting user data consumed much of my last hundred-odd days, resulting in a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Simply built using Softr and Airtable (with tons of gratitude for INVANTI's support), I'm testing the willingness of Disability Self-advocates and Caregivers to find and write reviews of providers they recommend.
Of the 200+ pain points expressed by Empowered Together's community, 88% can be addressed by the online marketplace simulated in our MVP. Users get to recommend respite providers, social activities, and therapists they love. We're testing a shift from Word of Mouth recommendations to tech-enabled referrals and lead gen, leveraging the collective voice and purchasing power of the disability community.
This progress energizes me as a founder. This could be the key to unlock support for families affected by disability. My narrative for a startup bootcamp's application summarizes it best:
As Empowered Together’s founder, Sarah has a vision and the perseverance to get there. She’s solving the problem she experiences every single day, trying to find providers for her daughter. She’s got personal skin in the game to see the disability community access Empowered Together’s services at scale. Her vision of equity for people with disabilities motivates her to leverage this market-based solution to enact systemic change.