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Day 28: More cowbell? No, more powder!

I first titled this "More Powder" but then I recalled the SNL skit and just had to throw it in here: "I've got a fever and the only prescription is more cow bell." Some lines are timeless.
Yes, there was more powder than we've seen in a long time and it continued falling all day. We braved "The Ridge: Attempt 1"-like conditions (high winds, white-out visibility) to ski/ride some of the best terrain out here. Being unable to see our next turn and freezing our fingers proved good indicators that our day of awesome powder was done.
We finished the day with Happy Hour at The Kitchen. It lived up to all Jess and Tim had promised with Happy Hour all night and delicious food like roasted beets with goat cheese and mussels in wine sauce. What a blessing to be with Tim and Jess for a month. After I depart on Friday, I'll miss them (even more than I'll miss the powder).