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Day 13: Girls' Day

I had a great day with the best sister-in-law in the world! We started off with a trip to the Denver International Airport to drop off Tim then took a dawn drive through the foothills and ended up at All Soul's in Boulder. Ponder this: "you can't drive forward by looking back over your shoulder."

Next, it was on to brunch downtown followed by a trip to the library and then the Celestial Seasonings factory. We agreed that this was one factory that might impress Dad (but he'll have to see for himself when he visits). Imagine an enclosed storage room packed high with mint leaves. That was the Mint Room which made us teary-eyed but was worth the pain for the bragging rights.

We then miraculously found a movie Lisa and I thought might be good, Margot at the Wedding. Save yourself the mental agony and do not watch this film! We enjoyed a fine hor d'oeuvre spread while watching, however, which made up for the disturbing footage. And to cap off a lovely day together, we made oatmeal-avocado-honey face masks that left our faces feeling oh, so soft and looking oh, so silly.

As a side note, I've been listening a lot lately to Misty Edwards and this was one of my favs from today. Here's a sneak peak at some lyrics:
"Your fire of life comes down to love. And love has to be more than sentiment,
More than selfishness and selfish gain.

Then I saw Him there
Hanging on a tree, looking at me.
I saw Him there
Hanging on a tree, looking at me.
He was looking at me looking at Him, staring through me."